Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Beginning of Unleashed 2010

"You won't relent until you have it all - my heart is yours."
"I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He loves us!"
" I am unleashed to love you with my mind, with my heart, and with my soul."

What do these lines have in common? Well, they're all song lyrics. They say a lot without using a lot of words. Mostly, they refer to one thing - God's love.

Tonight was reassurance of God's love. How He loves us so! How often do we need to be reassured of this fact? Right now, it's on a pretty regular basis for me - constantly. Some moments, I am confident; other days, I wonder, as I continue to fall short, "Why do you bother, God?"

Do you know the sun rises and sets because of you? Rain waters the earth because of you. Flowers color the scene, mountains rise majestically above, trees bring shade, and animals join the song that brings joy to God's heart... all this because He wants you to enjoy it. The stars shine, and the moon reflects light... solely because of you. All creation serves the purpose of a constant reminder to man of the Father's love.

Have you ever taken a moment to just be with Jesus? "Getting lost in the gaze of your eyes - getting lost in the warmth of your smile. Your love is like the ocean; I'm drowning in your presence." Can you imagine what that must be like as an experience? I've only been in one serious relationship, and I remember there were moments when he smiled at me... imagine what it's like with our Father God, our brother and Lord Jesus Christ, and our friend Holy Spirit. Waves of love overflowing and overwhelming us all day and night.

The innocence and simplicity of our faith is rooted in the Father's love. What would it be like to solely be in love with God? To be completely engulfed by His love? I want that - I want to get lost in His eyes. I want His arms to enfold me and keep me close to His heart. I want to see all the love He has for me written on His face and arm. May He wear His love for me boldly on His sleeve, but even more, I want to do the same!

Here's part of a book I read every couple years - not gonna tell a synopsis. Just go with me :)

Jason spoke again in the quiet. "Thank you, Jesus."
The ground began to tremble.
Leiah lifted both hands and whispered to the sky. "I love you, Father." White light streaked from her mouth from the heavens.
Jason lifted his chin and joined her. "I worship you, Father. I love you."
Three blazing shafts of light fell from the sky, like supercharged spotlights illuminating each of their heads. The light pounded through Jason's skull and numbed his bones with a love so pure and raw that he thought he might die. He dropped to his knees and then collapsed to his back, trembling from head to foot.
God was responding.
I love you.
Jason could barely breathe. An ache rose through his chest and he began to weep.
"I love you, Jesus."
The light washed through his body, like an airborne intoxicant, and he lay there quaking and begging forgiveness and loving his Creator in a way he did not think humanly possible. Beside him Leiah and Caleb lay on the grass, receiving this kiss from heaven.

To experience God's love in this way - to live all my days covered in this light shaft of love.

Matthew 18:2-3 (New International Version)

2He called a little child and had him stand among them. 3And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Father, what must I do to have a child-like faith and experience your Kingdom here on earth?

Remember how far you have fallen. Return to me and change the way you think and act, and do what you did at first. I will come to you and take your lamp stand from its place if you don’t change. (Rev. 2:5 - God's WORD translation)

Get back to basics. Keep it simple and innocent - Matthew 5:8 "Blessed are those whose thoughts are pure. They will see God."

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