Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Well, welcome to 2011!

Happy New Year (according to the calendar) and welcome to 2011!
Does that strike anyone else as odd - just seeing the number 2011? I mean, I knew I would live a long life, but I don't think I put together my increase in years and a chronological calendar in high school. I knew I graduated class of 1999, but for some reason, living in 2011 didn't even enter my mind. Maybe it's just me.

Last week, on Wednesday, Pastor Sheila let a study in the office asking us to make 3 goals for 2011. They weren't just regular resolutions - these were very specific goals.
1. How we would grow spiritually and why
2. How we would change job performance and why
3. How we would change our attitudes and why

Well, I know God has been calling me to step up my game, and I had been VERY reluctant to do so. Mostly because it's scary sometimes when it's just you and God. Not that He's scary, but the real you is scary and really hard to take in sometimes, especially when you don't know or don't deal with areas that others allude to in conversation. God brings those things up as well, and it's a lot.

So, for this study, I sat in the quiet of the church office (it was just me by around 5 or so), took that hour, and said, "God, what are the answers to these questions?"

This is what He said:
1. I am to walk out of my addiction to comfort, just like an addict to drugs or alcohol. I also will be uncomfortable. Because of my disobedience, it's now "I asked before, and you didn't listen, so this discomfort will come, and I need you to be obedient despite it."

2. "Serve the best wine at the end". I heard this from my volunteer team captains the whole weekend I volunteered for Passion 2011. It was the cry of their heart and soon became mine as well. Just like Jesus in John 2, we are to serve the best at the end. God knows at the end of day 3, I was grateful to be going home. Our team just stood on our feet for two and a half days for anywhere from 9 -14 hours. It was painful, and there were some moments when I wanted to cry. However, I saw the faces of the students, and I smiled and greeted and high fived and loved on them because I knew they were tired by day 3. It was a honor to serve them, and it is an honor to serve my employers. So, when it's 5 PM, and I've been there since 8, and still have 3 more hours to go, I want to give all God has poured into me the whole time. How's that for countercultural? :)

3. No longer can I insult God with false ignorance. Why would I ever think I could get away with lying and deception? He's not all about that at all, sees right through it, and totally calls me on it! I know what I'm supposed to be doing and when to do it. I know the thoughts I have and when they don't bless the Lord. I know when my words are negative towards others. Pastor Sheila said the one thing that scares her the most is being so deceived that she doesn't make it into heaven. Day by day, that's becoming a scarier thought for myself. BUT hear me out: I don't want to be religious about this either. I WANT a relationship with Jesus. It's my part of the covenant that's not being upheld, and it's back to goal #1 - my discomfort will bring Him glory.

He wants us to be uncomfortable so we have no choice but to pour out and serve He that is the best wine. When we do, we can't pretend it was all us! No, it is JESUS we carry, serve, and pour. Then we will no longer walk in deception, but see clearly it is the Lord who receives glory.

This week, the office is closed until tomorrow (Thursday), and I am still fighting my flesh on the regular about just stopping and listening. However, today I fight with new fervor because I am rested, trusting God in areas where I hadn't the last two days. My discomfort is simply a testimony of His glory and favor in my life. He continues to provide from surprising sources, and I am grateful indeed.

So, what are your goals?
How will you choose to carry the name Jesus in 2011?
What discomfort are experiencing now that you know will bring Him glory?

1 comment:

  1. WOW! So convicting. But all very true. I think that will be a good daily question for me, was I "discomfortable" today? Did I please God in truth, in all that I did today>>>>>

    No faking it.

    Love you
