Monday, May 2, 2011

Time for Something New

So, this is my first blog entry from my new phone. If you know me, you know I NEEDED a new phone. I've had it about a week, and it's growing on me. My only concern is I'll be just like everyone else. Let me explain before you get all upset or whatever.

Yesterday, I was at church, and I was seated between two gentlemen. One was older; the other was closer to my age. However, both were quite reserved during worship. Initially, I remained low key as the service started (partially due to the fact that there's not much worship space at the Cobb energy center), but I gradually spread my proverbial wings and lifted them before my savior. By the end of the music portion of service, I realized my ability to engage was no longer affected by my neighbors.

As Louie spoke about leverage, I became more aware of a need for a new environment. I'm in a place where I want to leverage more money for the kingdom and less on me. By the end of the message, I had a good idea of how to make a difference where I'm at.

Where am I going with this? I don't want to be like everyone else with all my stuff and things, forgetting about others in need. I don't want to stand in worship like others do, still processing through how it all works, do I like this song, or what is that crazy black girl next to me doing? I don't want to walk through life pretending things are going well because I got a little bit of change in my pocket.

How about you? Do you want to be different than those around you? Do you mind being the person that worships a little differently, handles money differently? Are you okay with not having the newest whatever? If you do, are you using it for the kingdom, or is it just a toy?

Yeah, I'm writing this blog from an iPhone. Yeah, it's new and fun, and yeah, it's worth the living of a family in Africa for a year. But I promise you one thing - this phone and all it offers me is my gift to the Lord. At the end of the day, "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it." (1 Co. 10:26) I want to be a part of HIStory, and if this phone is a way to do so, then let's go.

Tell me, what can you leverage for the kingdom?

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