Monday, October 31, 2011

Joy AND Peace?!

Romans 15:13 says the following - "I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit."

I read this a few minutes ago, and I was like, "Hold up". A couple questions popped up, and I think I need some help with these.

Question 1: how do you have hope if you don't have joy AND peace?
Question 2: how do we help others see this truth in their lives when they just want to get through another day?
Question 3: can you have one without the other?

I have a desire to see those I love walk with the Lord. I desire to see them trust God with everything, no matter what they're going through in life. My prayer is they walk in hope, defined as God given joy and peace, so what is my part in this process?

To be continued :)

Thanks for growing with me!

1 comment:

  1. Not all that complicated, really.

    Hope is simply a confident expentance....When you choose to have hope, peace arises. Joy, on the other hand, is really independent of the other two. Thus, you can certainly have one or two without the other(s)....

    Truth is, we decide and choose whether our circumstances, situations, etc will lead us to be hopeful, peaceful or joyful....

    I honestly don't think God is essential in this process. All to often, Religious doctrine and dogma has caused man & woman to doubt their natural ability to deal with/handle life and it's ups and downs....

    Truth be told, most people of faith don't really trust and wait on God. Unless, of course, they choose not be happy with what they have or where they are...

    Your Friendly Realist
