Saturday, October 23, 2010

What next, God?

I know my title sounds a little harsh and sarcastic, but it's not. I promise.
It's an inquiry, a question stemming from curiosity and maybe a little paranoia.

Let's recap:
Week 1: taxes, glasses, Once Upon a Mattress, Project Dance, and car repairs
Week 2: meditation and pain
Week 3: clarity, confusion, CDs, and "Car, meet your new home... the garage" (also new car for the younger sis and start of grad school for older sis)
Week 4: Dancing, painting, the start of 500 folders, and partying/worshiping with 116 Clique (for real, shawty!)
Week 5: Dull as anything... until Friday.

Do you know the first thing that runs through your mind when something valuable is taken?
Here's what went through mine: "You're kidding, right?"

Have you ever felt superhuman? Like the things that affect other people can't possibly affect you? Until you realize you're human, too... just like everyone else, you're susceptible to bad attitudes, pimples, aches, pains, and bad decisions.

My wallet was stolen on Friday afternoon. The bank called me and asked if I made a couple purchases that afternoon. Think about my days: starting around 8:15 until whenever, Tuesday - Friday, I'm basically posted up at Liberty Church. I told them, "No, I've been at work all day."
Evidently, my wallet made its way out of my purse and into the hands of someone in need. It hurts... there were important things in there. Nothing that would make anyone else sad, but things held onto for different reasons.

I replaced my license, got some money to get me through the weekend til I can get a temporary debit card on Monday, and also about to file a fraud report for my credit report as well. (Getting Mom/my personal paralegal to help me with that.)

And all I can say is, "What next, God?"

Where are you taking me?
What is this new season?
Why was I so violently thrust into this new beginning?

Yeah, I have a lot of questions, but I'm not asking why me. I know why me: because there is a greater plan and more in-depth meaning to this that anyone can comprehend here on earth. God is moving things in the spiritual realm that I couldn't even imagine possible. There's this saying God gave me when I ventured into something new a couple years ago: Everything I ever thought was impossible is now possible, for nothing is impossible for God.

He said become what I need you to be. He has placed a standard before me; He has put expectations on the table, and He waits for them to be met. If it's not done in His timing, He brings about the changes to put it back on course.

So, my response: bring it. The questions I had about all these different experiences over the last few weeks sum up into one big question: "What is your will, God?"

Don't fight it; just go with it.

If our God is for us, then who can ever stop us? And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?

Week 6, bring it. I'm not fighting people or circumstances or things - it's between my Father and my enemy.

My Father always wins.

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