Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Here am I, send me?

Greetings and salutations from nice and warm (translate: stinking hot!) Dallas, TX :) 
Yup, I'm off on a new adventure halfway across the country, living on a hope and a prayer. Literally.

Today's post is about trust.
The End.

Seriously, I feel like I have lost the understanding of trust somewhere along this path I now walk in life. I'm in a city I don't know, with a few familiar faces, without a car, without a job, and wondering if this crazy plan in my head will actually get me through the whole school year. Honestly, I wake up, thinking, "Dear Lord God, am I dreaming?" When He says, "Not even close," my next question is, "Dear Lord God, what was I thinking?" This was even more apparent when I talked with my apartment mate (not to be confused with roommate) last night. "Wow," she said, wide eyed, "you really moved fast in choosing to come here. Your family didn't have any warning or time." My response was, "I felt a peace about coming, and I needed to get out to appreciate where I was at the time." Man, oh man, I'll take a humid 89 degrees over a dry 102 any day!

I did stop and pause to deliberate her response. I'm taking time to do so now as I sit at a table I don't own, looking at a couch I don't own, out onto a street I just learned the name of three weeks ago. And my conclusion is this: I'm here because I trust. I trust the voice of the Lord when he spoke to me and said He would provide everything I need; all I have to do is be where He wants me to be at the time He tells me to be there. Why did I move on July 31, almost a full month before class starts? To be where I'm supposed to be at the right time. Simply because of one moment of obedience, trusting a crazy word that kept me from working an extra three weeks to make a little more money, God used me to be a bridge, a scout, a little bit of a hoarder, and a friend. 

I have met some of the nicest, generous people, and I have experienced some amazing gatherings at different churches. I have prayed more, read more, studied more, questioned more, and relinquished more in these three weeks than in the last few months combined. In my arrogance, if I stayed home and made more money, I would have missed out on all these blessings, including a new friend from Newnan that understands my GA references :)

I trust you, Lord, for your hand is upon me. I am grateful and thankful for a God that is big enough to make the heavens and prop his feet on them, yet still cares about the smallest pain in my soul. I thank you, Father, for your yes and your no, for your "I love you" and your "Now, daughter...." I believe You continue to provide in the most mysterious ways, and even now Your plan is coming to pass in my life. I am Yours, and You are mine. 

Hopefully, I won't neglect the blog as long as I have, and I hope to be more fluid in my writing as time moves forward. Orientation is on Thursday, and classes for my second, and prayerfully last, educational degree program start on Monday. So, stay tuned, duckies, to see where this ships heads next. 

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