Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Day 2 - What a day, what a day!

How much can you learn about yourself in one day? Well, let's see...
1. I am not okay with a lot of walking on only 4 hours of sleep.
2. I need to turn my alarm off when I'm on vacation: who wants to get up at 7 AM on vacay?
3. Shell-toe Adidas tennis shoes are not hot when you're hiking in mountains - can't mess up the pretty shoes.
4. My family and the Stevenson family - WAAAYYYY too similar, but I love it, just like I love both families.
5. My experiences in life have only served to soften my heart to those around me, and I'm very grateful for God letting me live so others can learn from my mistakes.
That's not all, but it's definitely enough :)

So, day 2 - I talked with my friend Natalie til early AM, wrote in my journal, prayed, and got to sleep around 3-ish. Woke up at sunrise (7 AM) and looked out the window to see the amazingly breathtaking scene freshly lit with early morning sunlight. I totally pulled out the camera and praised God for another day. I went back to bed, but sleep was elusive as I continued to think through the plan for the day and topics from the night before. I got a call from a friend that hurt my heart, but God is WAY faithful and SO good to us. I loved speaking support and encouragement into him, and I love opportunities to love others. I just pray it was helpful... I'm totally thinking, "Jayme, you talk way too much", but I hope God works through that :)

After the conversation and a shower, the family and I headed out to Sugarlands Visitor Center for our trek to the waterfalls. We made it to one, nixed the second, and drove out to see the final two. The third has a closed parking lot, and the fourth was almost missed! It's crazy - what did God show me on the second day of my Tennessee adventure? That today is a good day. I saw beauty at its east coast finery. I experienced an exciting time learning about birds, trees, animals, and mountain life. Even more, though, today is a day the Lord made, and we can choose to rejoice and be glad in it. I mean, seriously, isn't that what brings Him joy? Knowing we go through the day loving it because He made it? The only thing that could make it all better is shouting the gospel to every corner of the world!

Our great commission in life is make disciples wherever we go, right? So, what makes us effective in this venture? Rejoicing in each day He's made for us! Joy is a by-product of love, and His love is life changing! His love is gratifying, electrifying, fulfilling, exciting, and completely joyful!

Take Him at His word: seek His kingdom, a joyful and wonderful experience, and everything will come to you - His grace, affection, mercy, compassion, blessings, favor, and opportunities to share it all with the world.

I know this may seem scattered - that could be due to watching Cartoon Network at the same time I'm trying to be spiritual - but God is desiring us to take the day and see the many occasions throughout the day to see how awesomely He works in our lives.

Rest of the afternoon spent at "The Funnel Cake", where they dip candy bars and fry them in addition to selling funnel cakes with tasty toppings, ice cream, and drinks. So good, but needed a salad after that one! Then, we headed back to the resort via Wal-Mart (God's gift to the middle class), and now everyone's resting before an evening full of twilight swimming.

So, here's my wrap-up: Today really is a good day - here's to walking trails, Wal-Mart, wonderfully tasty funnel cakes, a wicked Taco Tuesday, and a weeknight of water fun! Rejoice and be glad in your beautiful day, my friends!

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