Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 7 - Last Full Day

"Happy Mother's Day, hehehe!" was the text I got on my phone Sunday morning after taking a shower. It was from one of "my" daughters, a young lady that, with her twin sister, has called me Mama since age 16. She is now a 21 year old with her own little girl. It blessed me immensely to hear from her, especially since our schedules don't really allow for much together time anymore. I wished her the same and send a text hug to my "granddaughter". It was a great beginning to a full day.

Brandy and I left the others at the resort and went off on a quest to find just the right gift for my mom. I had purchased a cute thermos for her (she's a tea drinker) the day before, and we were in search of something that would make her smile. We got that, and more, at the Bath & Body Works outlet right around the corner. We tried to find her a nice terry robe, but the ones we saw weren't the greatest, and evidently Wal-Mart in TN doesn't carry robes. Oh, well, it is what it is. We decided to go out for lunch before our afternoon trek to the theatre. Wendy's was the choice of the day, and I tried the Crispy Chicken Deluxe Meal, since Brandy thought it was divine. It was good, but the next hour was amazing. My sister-in-law told her life story (basically), and I sat in awe of this mighty woman of God and her determination to be spiritually healthy. I am so grateful for the people God surrounds me with because they are all examples of a persevering heart. They fight on a regular basis to stand strong, knowing their identity in Christ, and constantly remembering His faithfulness and love.

We went to see the Backup Plan (it was all right - definitely have to be in the mood for a chick flick) and talked some more on our way back to the resort. The evening was spent at the waterpark, watching Destiny and her last go around on the bodyboard. She rode on her knees with NO hands! We all were very excited and proud of her.

Here's my journal entry - the last before we left:
I'm really sad - it's time to go home. Am I ready? I know God has something else for me to learn here. I guess I'll be much better when I get home. I'm very grateful for this trip - God has been amazing this week, and I'm learning a lot.
I'm also healing. My heart is more complete than before. Again, God is good.
I'm thinking I can breathe when I get home and be okay for a while.
Thank you, Father, for this week away with you and my family and for being you in my life.
I love you, too, Lord. Thank you.

God is showing me, even now, how many times a day He works and does on our behalf. I keep taking that for granted, and I miss so much of His love throughout the day.

Now, I'm home, been home since Monday, and I'm looking back over my week of vacation. What did I learn? Too much to condense. Am I applying it? One day at a time. Is God totally, fully, and completely sovereign? All day, every day, always, and in every way.

Here's something I got from my dad a couple days ago:

Worry and confidence

If you're able to worry, you're also able to be confident. Because from a functional standpoint, worry and confidence are pretty much the same thing.
Worry is the expectation that something negative will happen. Confidence is the expectation that something positive will happen.
How do you create confidence about something that hasn't happened yet? You use the exact same process you would use to create worry.
The big difference between worry and confidence is the expected outcome. And the powerful fact is, you can expect whatever outcome you choose.
There's another way that worry and confidence are quite similar. They both tend to be self-fulfilling prophesies.
So instead of destroying your effectiveness with worry, you can vastly enhance your effectiveness with confidence. It takes nothing more than a simple yet powerful change in your expectations.
-- Ralph Marston

As soon as I stop worrying,
Worrying how the story ends
I let go and I let God
Let God have His way
That’s when things start happening
When I stopped looking at back then
I let go and I let God
Let God Have his way (DeWayne Woods - Let Go)

Finally, I'm getting it - just hope it's not too late :)

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