Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 4 - More than Conquerors... we are victorious!

Greetings and salutations!
So, writing a blog is difficult enough without the wifi connection being totally not stable.
Again, another learning experience, so bless God, AMEN!

So, Day 4 - We returned to the water park to enjoy another day in the sun (though indoors). Today De'Leonna and I decided to conquer our fear of drops on water rides. The Storm Chaser intimidated us the previous day, but we decided we wouldn't be the only ones not to experience this ride that took you through a tube, dropped you about 15 feet or so at a 45 degree angle into a huge funnel in which you slid back and forth as you got closer to the bottom which was another tube that accelerated you into a pool at the bottom, culminating a nice splash. (Can you tell I'm reliving those moments again?) Well, ladies and... well, lady (since you're the only one reading, Em), I DID IT!!! TWICE!!! Yes, my limbs were shaking at the end of the first time, especially after going down backwards, but the Lord helped me through another opportunity to keep fear from dictating my life to me. De'Leonna, on the first go around, got to the top of the steps and stopped, pretty close to paralyzed. Between myself and Tommy, we got her on the ride, and it was a little trippy, but guess who went 2 more times? De' De' pushed through her fear and even enjoyed the ride.
After doing this, I let Brandy talk (drag) me into trying bodyboarding on this ride called "Surf Rider". I didn't do as great on this one, but I was proud of myself for the attempt. After I messed up and felt stupid, Tommy and Destiny also went bodyboarding and even got up on their knees! I didn't feel as bad considering they had done it the day before with just as much ability as I had shown - I wonder what I would have accomplished second go round.
After another full, waterlogged day, we had Domino's and salad for dinner, went for a walk (3 of 6), chilled at the pool, and went to bed.

I learned a couple things that day:
1. There are those that hear the call or see the challenge and go full force after it. They heed God's voice immediately and follow in obedience. There are others who hear and see and attempt to follow the call, but give up after trying and messing up, not taking advantage of the opportunity to try again (wonder who that is, bodyboarding misfit!) The book of James talks about those that persevere:

James 1:12 (New International Version)

12Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

James 5:10-11 (New International Version)

10Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. 11As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.

I read this, and I posed the question to myself... Is this a reflection of where I am in life, attempting but giving up instead of taking advantage of chances given by the Father? More on that later...

2. This is a lesson gleaned from the wisdom of Brandy as we walked from the resort to Wal-Mart and back - There are burdens God places on our hearts. Are they our burdens to personally carry or are they burdens that He desires us to merely pray over, trusting Him to provide whatever is needed to relieve them? These burdens could be re: family, friends, relationships, work, church, finances, ministry opportunities, or something simple like picking out clothes and accessories :)
Take advantage of those times to hear God's discerning voice. He may show you an elephant, the letter H, and a sharp dagger. Make sure you don't stop asking questions - those three things don't necessarily mean "ride an elephant at the Hartford Zoo, carrying a sharp dagger for protection". Keep asking until He reveals His plan -

Luke 11:9-10 (Amplified Bible)

9So I say to you, Ask and a]">[a]keep on asking and it shall be given you; seek and b]">[b]keep on seeking and you shall find; knock and c]">[c]keep on knocking and the door shall be opened to you.

10For everyone who asks and d]">[d]keeps on asking receives; and he who seeks and e]">[e]keeps on seeking finds; and to him who knocks and f]">[f]keeps on knocking, the door shall be opened.

How can you expect an answer to a question you never ask? Not only that, but the tense of the verbs in Greek create an active persistence in asking, seeking, and knocking. Don't stop asking questions.

I can see this is going to take more than one post to finish up my vacation, so... on to the next day!

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